Folks We Work With...
Over the years we have made a few friends along the way. In order to ensure we can help you the whole way through your project we occasionally need to to recommend the services of others. Here are a few that could help you.

We collaborate with numerous builders and can recommend and locate reputable professionals in your area. Specifically, in the Goring On Thames region, we consistently work with trusted builders W A Hine and Son who are renowned for their extensive history and the number of homes they have constructed, ensuring exceptional quality.

As you may already know, we have an in-house interiors team dedicated to crafting exquisite living spaces. Additionally, we collaborate with other experts to meet all your needs. Claire at Studio 12 Designs exemplifies this with her passion for interiors, ensuring your dream home becomes a reality.

With the increasing connectivity of modern homes, it is essential to have a specialist to integrate all systems seamlessly. Aura Home Tech leads the industry in connectivity, entertainment, and lighting solutions. Partnering with them allows us to elevate your property to the highest standards of technological integration.

We are committed to supporting our clients throughout their journey. To achieve this, we have established a strong partnership with Kai Carter Estates, a firm specializing in high-end homes for discerning clients. Together, we can assist you in finding the perfect home and ensuring it is impeccably prepared for your move-in.

To design your project accurately, we need to determine the size of the space. Ground Surveys offers a comprehensive range of services, from topographic and measured surveys to advanced 3D surveys of your home or site. By working together, we can ensure your proposals are based on precise drawings, providing you with complete peace of mind.